In the land of Kufa, there once lived a very pious youngster who would exert himself in the worship of Allah Ta‘ala and spend most of his time in the masjid. Together with him possessing excellent character and mannerisms, he was blessed with outstanding physical beauty as well.

A very beautiful and intelligent woman once saw him and was infatuated by his beauty. After some time (when her love for him became unbearable), she waited for him on the path leading to his house. When he passed by her, she addressed him saying, “O young man, listen to a few words of mine, then you may do as you wish.” The young man did not pay any attention to her and continued walking.

The woman however did not relent, and waited for him on the path for a second time. As he passed by, she again addressed him saying, “O young man, listen to a few words of mine.” He took a few steps forward and said to her, “This is a place of suspicion, and I do not want to be a target of suspicion.” (i.e. if people see me speaking to you here in the open, I will be regarded as an evil person.)

She responded by explaining that she is aware of his (prominent) position in society and that this action could spark unnecessary suspicion if noticed. Moreover, even a little suspicion on him will be regarded grave by the people. Despite this, she confessed that her infatuation with him compelled her to speak to him (and she does not know what to do about it). She concluded by saying, “The summary of what I want to tell you is that all the limbs of my body are engulfed by you. So, fear Allah regarding my matter (i.e. do not oppress me by not giving in to my request).”

The youngster without responding, returned home. However, when he intended to commence his salaah, he found that he could not concentrate. He therefore took a pen and paper and began writing a letter. (After completing the letter,) he came out of his home and found the woman waiting in the same spot where he had left her. He handed over the letter to her and returned to his house.

The letter read, “In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful. O woman, be mindful that when Allah Ta‘ala is disobeyed, He tolerates it. When his slave commits a sin again, He conceals it (from the knowledge of people). However, if he dons the garments of sin (i.e. he persists), Allah Ta‘ala becomes so angry with him that the skies, the earth, the mountains, the trees and the animals all become constricted. Who can then bear His anger?

If what you are saying is false (i.e. you are not overpowered by this love), then I remind you of a day in which the sky will be like molten lead, the mountains will be like wool and the nations will kneel before the might of The All-Powerful (Allah).” He further stated, “By Allah, I am unable to reform my own self; how can I then reform someone else?”

And if what you say is true (i.e. you are helpless in this situation and are genuinely unable to contain your love for me), then I will direct you to a Curer who is better at (treating) the infected wounds and aches which cause grief. That Being is (none other than) the Rabb of the worlds (i.e. Allah Ta‘ala).” He advised her to turn her attention to Allah Ta‘ala and present her problem in His court. Thereafter he wrote the verse of the Quraan Majeed in which Allah Ta‘ala says, “And warn them of the Day of approaching horror, when hearts will jump up into their throats, (and they will be) choked. There will be neither a friend for the unjust, nor an intercessor to be listened to. He knows the treachery of the eyes and whatever is concealed by hearts.” After this verse he wrote, “Then where is the place of refuge from this verse?”

After a few days, she again waited for him on the road. When he saw her from a distance, he decided to return home, lest she notices him. But she saw him and called out saying, “O young lad, don’t go away, we will never meet again after this, except in front of Allah Ta‘ala (on the Day of Qiyaamah).” She then began crying profusely and said, “I ask Allah Ta‘ala, the Being who controls the keys to your heart, to ease this difficult matter regarding you.” She then requested him for some advice that she would be able to practice on.

The young man advised her saying, “I advise you to protect yourself from (the evil of) yourself! And I remind you of the saying of Allah Ta‘ala, ‘He is the One who recalls your souls by night, and knows what you do by day.’” Upon hearing this, she cried more profusely. After recovering, she returned to her home and spent her time in the worship of Allah Ta‘ala. She would spend her nights standing in the worship of Allah Ta‘ala and this habit continued until she passed away.

On the other hand, whenever the pious man would remember her, he would start crying. When he was asked the reason for his tears as he was the one who had turned her away, he would reply saying, “I slaughtered my desire for her from the beginning, and I made (this) separation from her a treasure for me before Allah Ta‘ala. (Hence,) I feel ashamed of Allah Ta‘ala to take back what I have stored by Him.”

(Zammul Hawaa pg. 382)


1. This story offers a great prescription for the pandemic of the age – the destructive malady of illicit love. Young and old, male and female, have become entangled in this satanic web, wreaking havoc in communities, destroying the moral fabric of society, leading to spiritual destruction, and corroding their connection with their Creator.

2. Since this world is designed to be an ‘examination hall’, one will definitely encounter challenging ‘questions’ in the form of lust and temptation. However, being a human being, and not an animal, he will need to control himself and not give in to these desires.

3. When a person is overcome by temptation and finds himself helpless in resisting it, an extremely effective remedy is for him to earnestly turn to Allah Ta‘ala, begging His help and assistance. After all, it is He who controls the hearts and minds, and it is He Whose command one is trying to fulfil. Hence, He will definitely take pity on the person and make a way out for him.

4. The more conscious a person is of the knowledge, power and greatness of Allah Ta‘ala, and the more convinced he is of his accountability in the court of Allah Ta‘ala, the easier it becomes for him to resist impermissible temptation and obey the commands of Allah Ta‘ala. Hence, it is extremely necessary for us, especially in our era of immodesty and vice, that we increase this consciousness and conviction. One effective way to achieve this, is ponder over certain verses of the Quraan Majeed.

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