

A Powerful Prescription for Illicit Love

In the land of Kufa, there once lived a very pious youngster who would exert himself in the worship of Allah Ta‘ala and spend most of his time in the masjid. Together with him possessing excellent character and mannerisms, he was blessed with outstanding physical beauty as well.

A very beautiful and intelligent woman once saw him and was infatuated by his beauty. After some time (when her love for him became unbearable), she waited for him on the path leading to his house. When he passed by her, she addressed him saying, “O young man, listen to a few words of mine, then you may do as you wish.” The young man did not pay any attention to her and continued walking.

The woman however did not relent, and waited for him on the path for a second time. As he passed by, she again addressed him saying, “O young man, […]

Categories: Inspirational Incidents|

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