There was once a pious youngster who travelled far from his hometown in search of the knowledge of Deen. He settled in a place whose inhabitants took a liking to him. He made such an impression, that soon the entire area was abuzz with the news of his proverbial piety and impeccable manners. The acts of service he was ever-ready to render and his praiseworthy character had become the talk of the town.
It so happened that in that very locality there was a young girl of exceptional beauty. Hearing so much about this pious youngster caused her to be attracted towards him and to stealthily glimpse at him. She became so infatuated with him that she began plotting ways to meet him and express her heart’s feeling to him.
One day, the youngster was walking along the street near her home when he heard someone call out to him. When he turned and saw the beautiful girl, he immediately lowered his gaze and refused to look at her. She then requested him to enter her home saying, “We have some things (in our home) which we are unable to carry. Would you please help us?” The boy was always willing to lend a helping hand and thus agreed, but also instructed, “Tell all in the home that I am about to enter. Conceal yourselves for a short while.”
Thus saying he entered, carried their things, and left quickly. This was not at all what she had wanted, as she expected him to spend some time with her in the home. She had to therefore think of another plan.
One stormy night, the youngster was seated in his home, studying by candlelight. While paging through his kitaab, he suddenly heard desperate knocking on his door! “Who could this visitor be on this rainy night?” He got up and went to the door and as soon as he opened it, the same girl dramatically fell at his feet, leaving him in a state of confusion. After a while, she pleaded, “I came to your home in order to take shelter from the cold and the rain.”
The youngster’s heart was pounding in his chest and he was short for breath. There was a young beautiful girl literally lying at his feet! However, he (quickly) realized that he was in a dangerous situation and in a great imaani challenge. As he turned, he caught sight of the lit candle which he was using. He quickly moved towards it and plunged his fingers in the flame, apparently numb to the pain and unable to perceive the smell of his own roasting flesh. The girl stared in horror.
After a short while, the youngster (came to his senses and) screamed due to the heat of the flame, and fled from his home. When most of the night had passed, he came back home and the girl was gone. He praised Allah Ta‘ala for saving him from falling into sin and said to himself, “If I am unable to bear the heat of a small candle, how will I bear a fire which will be fuelled by people and stones? I will not be able to!”
After witnessing his piety and fear of Allah Ta‘ala first-hand, the girl became even more obsessed with him. She also realized that this youngster would never stoop to haraam. Hence, if she wanted him, she would have to marry him. She thus spoke to her father and he happily agreed. He then approached the youngster, and he was also happy to marry her.
(Suwarun Mushriqatun minath Thabaati ‘alal Imaan, pg. 144)
1. When a person adorns himself with taqwa, the entire creation becomes attracted to him, as taqwa is the ‘jewellery of the soul’ which is seen by the eyes of the soul.
2. It is forbidden and extremely dangerous to be in seclusion with a member of the opposite gender who is a non-mahram. In fact, Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) has explained that if a man and woman are in seclusion, the third person is Shaitaan. (Sunan Tirmizi #2165)
3. When we are tempted to sin, we should think of the Hereafter, and more specifically, Jahannam. The youngster fought the fire of his temptation by reminding himself of the fire of Jahannam. Let us also fight fire with fire.
4. If we abandon haraam for the pleasure of Allah Ta‘ala, He will grant us the same thing we desired – if not better – in a permissible manner with happiness, honour and no guilt of sin.
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