Often we listen to a talk of Deen or we read some Islamic literature. Through the blessing of the words of Allah Ta‘ala and Nabi (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam), our hearts are most definitely affected. It is at this point that a person intends to give up his life of sin and start a life of righteousness. This intention to do good or to leave sin is actually a guest that is knocking at the door of our heart, sent to us by our loving Allah Ta‘ala.
In life, if a guest knocks at our door and we receive the guest with warmth and respect, then most definitely the guest will feel welcomed to visit again. However if we chase the guest and close the door on his face, he will never return to visit us. In the same way, if a good intention knocks at the door of our heart, then we should act upon it immediately. By ignoring it, we may deprive ourselves of this good intention ever knocking at the door of our heart again.