Abu ‘Abdillah (rahimahullah) was a muazzin who lived in the second century of Islam. He would call out the azaan in the masjid of the Banu Jaraad tribe.

Once, a youngster had moved into the vicinity of the masjid. His commitment and devotion to salaah was such that whenever Abu ‘Abdillah (rahimahullah) would call out the azaan, this youngster would immediately present himself in the masjid, and he would perform salaah very close to him. After completing his salaah, the youngster would simply wear his shoes and return home (without meeting and interacting with anyone).

(Intrigued by the young man’s piety and devotion,) Abu ‘Abdillah (rahimahullah) desired that the youngster should speak to him, or request his assistance in fulfilling some need of his. Subsequently, one day the youngster requested Abu ‘Abdillah (rahimahullah) to lend him a copy of the Quraan Majeed so that he may recite from it. Abu ‘Abdillah (rahimahullah) thus took a copy of the Quraan Majeed and handed it over to him. The youngster held it tight to his chest and said, “Today something extraordinary will occur between me and you.”

Abu ‘Abdillah (rahimahullah) did not see the youngster for the rest of that day; neither for the Maghrib Salaah, nor for the ‘Esha Salaah. After completing his ‘Esha Salaah, Abu ‘Abdillah (rahimahullah) visited the house of the youngster. He found a bucket and a vessel for wudhu lying outside, and there was a curtain hanging over the door. When he pushed the door open, he found the youngster lifeless on the ground, with the Quraan Majeed in his lap. He picked up the Quraan Majeed and then asked some people to assist him in lifting his body onto his bed.

Abu ‘Abdillah (rahimahullah) remained anxious the entire night regarding who would be able to arrange a kafan (shroud) for the deceased youngster (due to him perhaps not having sufficient means to arrange for it). The next morning when he entered the masjid after calling out the Fajr azaan, he saw an unusual light in the direction of the qiblah. Upon approaching the light, he found a folded shroud which he picked up and praised Allah Ta‘ala. He then left the shroud in his home and returned to the masjid for salaah.

As he made salaam and completed the salaah, he saw four great saints; Thaabit Bunaani, Maalik bin Dinaar, Habeeb Faarisi and Saalih Murri (rahimahumullah), standing on his right. He addressed them saying, “My brothers, what has brought you here this morning?” They responded by asking “Did anyone pass away in your neighbourhood last night?” “Yes, a youngster who would perform salaah with me did pass away”, replied Abu ‘Abdillah (rahimahullah). They requested him to show them this youngster. When they reached the body, Maalik bin Dinaar (rahimahullah) lifted the sheet, exposing his face. He then kissed his forehead saying, “May my father be sacrificed for you, O Hajjaaj (this was the name of the youngster)! When you became well known (and your piety became famous) in any area, you shifted to another area (to remain inconspicuous and unknown)!”

These four friends of Allah Ta‘ala then began the ghusl of the deceased. Each one of them had brought along a shroud, and all of them desired to attain the honour of enshrouding Hajjaaj (rahimahullah). At length, when they could not reach any conclusion as to who’s shroud would be used, Abu ‘Abdillah (rahimahullah) explained to them about him being concerned regarding the shroud for the entire night and thereafter finding the folded shroud in the masjid at the time of fajr. Upon hearing this, the visitors unanimously agreed that he should be buried in this shroud. After enshrouding him, when they took out the bier for the janaazah salaah and burial, they could barely carry it due to the huge crowd of people that had gathered for the janaazah.

(Al-Muntazam vol. 7, pg. 148)


1. The desire of the lovers of Allah Ta‘ala is that the intimate relationship which they enjoy with Him remains a secret between them and their Beloved. In fact, some of them go to great lengths in concealing themselves and remaining unknown, since they do not wish that their sincerity be affected in the least. Furthermore, once they are recognized by people, they would not be able to dedicate that much of time to the worship of Allah Ta‘ala. Unfortunately, our crave for fame and recognition is such that we take offence and become extremely angry when we are not recognized and acknowledged.

2. Salaah is the most important command of Allah Ta‘ala after imaan. This demands that one pays due attention to it, with the first step being that one performs it on its appointed time without any delay. An effective way of achieving this, which is learnt from the life of Hajjaaj (rahimahullah), is to proceed to the masjid (for men) or to perform it (for women) as soon as the azaan is called out.

3. A believer is not selfish and self-centred, rather he is always concerned about the wellbeing of others, especially his relatives and those living in his neighbourhood. He thus enquires about them and assists them to the best of his ability. Hence, the muazzin went to look for Hajjaaj (rahimahullah) when he did not see him for that day and he spent the entire night worried about making arrangements for his shroud.

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