Sultaan Mahmood Begra (rahimahullah) ruled over Gujarat in India from the year 863 A.H till 919 A.H. During his rule, Gujarat witnessed a time of safety and prosperity. Furthermore, the different sciences of Islam, including the fields of tajweed and qiraat, were widespread and common in the province. Many illustrious ‘Ulama came to stay in Gujarat at that time.

One of the many people who took advantage of this golden opportunity of learning the sciences of Islam was Khaleel Khan (rahimahullah), more famously known as Sultaan Muzaffar Shah II, the son of Sultaan Mahmood Begra (rahimahullah). He later succeeded his father and became the king of Gujarat. In his young age, he mastered tajweed and qiraat, as well as other Islamic sciences. He was also blessed with a very beautiful voice.

Below is an amazing incident regarding Khaleel Khan (rahimahullah):

Once, on the 26th night of Ramadhaan, Sultaan Mahmood (rahimahullah) was sitting with a group of ‘Ulama who were speaking about the greatness of reciting the Quraan Majeed. In light of this topic, one of the ‘Ulama sitting in this gathering began mentioning the difficulty of the severe heat people will be facing on the Day of Qiyaamah due to the sun being brought very close to them. He further explained that one of the categories of people who will be saved from the extreme heat of that day will be the haafiz of the Quraan Majeed together with seven generations of his ancestors. They will be under the special celestial shade of the mercy of Allah Ta‘ala. Hence, the heat will not affect them in the least. Sultaan Mahmood (rahimahullah) took a deep sigh and said “None of my sons have achieved this fortune so that I can also be hopeful of gaining this honour.”

Khaleel Khan (rahimahullah) was also present in this gathering and was listening to what his father was saying. After the day of ‘Eid, he returned to Baroda, which was under his control, and began memorizing the Quraan Majeed. He exerted himself to such an extent that his eyes became red. Upon examining him, the doctor explained that the redness was due to his sleepless nights and excessive recitation. He thus advised that the solution would be for him to reduce his tilaawat and get a good rest for a few days. Khaleel Khan (rahimahullah) responded, “What is the matter if my eyes remain red. This will in actual fact grant me honour in this world and the Hereafter. I cannot afford to decrease my recitation.” He thus continued striving in this manner until he completed the memorization of the entire Quraan Majeed in one year and a few months.

Before the Ramadhaan of that year commenced, Khaleel Khan (rahimahullah) approached his father and informed him that if he so wishes, he will lead the Taraaweeh Salaah. The king was surprised and asked “When did you become a haafiz?” Khaleel Khan (rahimahullah) reminded his father of the incident which took place two years before, and explained that he had subsequently started his journey of the memorization of the Quraan Majeed. Hearing this, Sultaan Mahmood (rahimahullah) became overjoyed and elated.

On the 1st of Ramadhaan, Khaleel Khan (rahimahullah) led the Taraaweeh Salaah and even completed the recitation of the entire Quraan Majeed during that very night. He continued in this manner; completing a khatam a night for sixteen nights. Sultaan Mahmood (rahimahullah) would stand behind his son every night and listen to his recitation! On the sixteenth night, overwhelmed with joy and happiness, Sultaan Mahmood (rahimahullah) embraced his son and kissed him on his eyes and forehead. He then continued making du‘aa for him for a long time, and thereafter exclaimed, “How can I express my gratitude to Khaleel Khan and how can I repay him for having saved me and my ancestors from the intense heat of the Day of Qiyaamah.” Saying this, he took hold of his son’s hand and seated him on the throne.

After Sultaan Mahmood (rahimahullah) passed away, Khaleel Khan (rahimahullah) succeeded his father as the king of Gujarat. He would always remain in the state of wudhu, never miss out even a mustahab act, and his entire life was in accordance to the teachings of Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam). Such was his adherence to the sharee‘ah that whilst he was the king, on one occasion, one of the royal horses developed a stomach ailment. After administering different medications, but to no avail, the vet gave the horse a small amount of alcohol and the horse was cured. When Khaleel Khan (rahimahullah) learnt of this, he refrained from riding that horse altogether. (Tazkirah Qaariyaan-e-Hind pg. 137)


1. Having easy access to masaajid, institutes of Islamic learning and reliable ‘Ulama is an extremely great favour of Allah Ta‘ala and a golden opportunity which must be valued and appreciated. Despite being the prince, Khaleel Khan (rahimahullah) took advantage of the presence of the ‘Ulama and benefitted from them. Hence, we must also take out time to correct our recitation of the Quraan Majeed and to learn other aspects of Deen. Similarly, we must ensure that our children attend the primary madrasah and give due importance to the knowledge Deen, as this will insha-Allah be a means of them living their entire lives as good Muslims.

2. Despite being blessed with material possessions and kingdom, Sultaan Mahmood Begra (rahimahullah) understood the value of Deen and the Quraan Majeed, as it is only this which will be a means of one’s salvation on the Day of Qiyaamah. Therefore, he expressed great remorse that none of his children were blessed with the favour of memorizing the Quraan Majeed. Since the hifz of the Quraan Majeed has become so common nowadays in many places, unfortunately due appreciation is not been shown to this great favour of Allah Ta‘ala.

3. Pleasing one’s parents is the stepping stone to success in both worlds. Hence, merely learning about the desire of his father, motivated Khaleel Khan (rahimahullah) to undergo such difficulty in order to fulfil this dream of his father. This brought such happiness to his father that apart from the abundant du‘aas which he made for him, he also appointed him as his successor.

4. A true bearer of the Quraan Majeed is not one who merely memorizes it and recites it. Rather, he is the one whose heart and life is affected and influenced by the Quraan Majeed to such an extent that he becomes a living example of the Quraan Majeed, upholding its commandments and abstaining from its prohibitions.

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