Sayyiduna Luqmaan (‘alaihis salaam) was initially a slave. His master had once taken him to the marketplace to sell him. However, whenever anyone showed interest in purchasing him, Sayyiduna Luqmaan (‘alaihis salaam) first asked him, “What would you do with me? (i.e. what work would you make me do?)” The buyer would then explain his reason for purchase hearing which Sayyiduna Luqmaan (‘alaihis salaam) would request him not to purchase him.

This continued until a man came by and showed an interest in purchasing him. Sayyiduna Luqmaan (‘alaihis salaam) thus asked him the same question. He replied, “I will make you a doorman for my house.” Hearing this, Sayyiduna Luqmaan (‘alaihis salaam) agreed to this man purchasing him. The man thus purchased him and took him home.

His new owner wished to visit a property of his which was out of the town. However, he did not want to leave his three daughters unattended since they would leave his home and commit indecent and shameful acts in the town.

Therefore, he told Sayyiduna Luqmaan (‘alaihis salaam), “I have arranged for their food and whatever (else) they would need. Hence, when I leave, lock the door, sit behind it and do not open it until I return.” After the master had left, the daughters wished to leave the house and thus instructed Sayyiduna Luqmaan (‘alaihis salaam) to open the door. However, he refused to obey them and did not open it. They (became enraged and) injured him on his head. Despite this, Sayyiduna Luqmaan (‘alaihis salaam) merely washed and cleaned the blood off himself and sat down. In fact, even when the master returned, he did not inform him of what they had done to him.

After some time, the master wished to go out once again. He thus made the same arrangements as before and instructed Sayyiduna Luqmaan (‘alaihis salaam) not to open the door for them. As he left, the daughters wished to leave the house yet again and instructed Sayyiduna Luqmaan (‘alaihis salaam) to open the door. However, he again refused to let them leave. Once again, these girls injured him on his head and his response was the same. Similarly, when his master returned, he did not tell him what harm they had caused him.

Observing the conduct of Sayyiduna Luqmaan (‘alaihis salaam), the eldest sister thought to herself, “How is it that this Abyssinian slave is more obedient to Allah ‘Azza wa Jall than me? By Allah, I will definitely repent.” She thus repented and changed her life.

When the youngest sister saw this, she remarked, “How is it that this Abyssinian slave and my eldest sister are more obedient to Allah ‘Azza wa Jall than me? By Allah, I will definitely repent.” She too repented and changed her life.

In the same manner, the middle sister also remarked, “How is it that these two (sisters of mine) and this Abyssinian slave are more obedient to Allah ‘Azza wa Jall than me? By Allah, I will definitely repent.” Thus, just like her sisters, she repented and changed her life.

The effect of their lives changing and its blessings were such that it had a chain reaction; when the sinful people of the town came to know that they had repented they remarked, “How is it that this Abyssinian slave and the daughters of so-and-so are more obedient to Allah than us?” They thus all repented and changed their lives to such an extent that from being the most sinful and disobedient people of the town, they became devout worshippers of Allah Ta‘ala.

(Kitaabut Tawwaabeen – Ibnu Qudaamah pg. 71)


1. Concern for the shame and chastity of one’s children is extremely necessary, especially in our time when shamelessness and indecency abound. Hence, as parents, we need to ensure that our children are not exposed to those environments and influences that lure them to shameful and indecent acts. Even in our absence, we need to make the necessary arrangements in this regard.

2. When a person is in good company – no matter how evil he may be – the effect of that company will inevitably rub off onto him, just as a person who spends time in a perfume shop will inevitably benefit from the fragrance. Witnessing the piety of Sayyiduna Luqmaan (‘alaihis salaam) eventually affected these girls and caused them to change their lives, even though they were in his company involuntarily. If we have to voluntarily adopt the company of the pious and righteous, how much greater will the effect of their company be on us.

3. When a person becomes the friend of Allah Ta‘ala, remains in His obedience at all times and adopts good character, he will become a great asset to society. The reason is that he creates an environment of righteousness and becomes a means of others following him, since righteousness has a natural attraction, thereby creating a chain reaction. Sayyiduna Luqmaan’s (‘alaihis salaam) obedience to the commands of Allah Ta‘ala created this environment of righteousness which eventually caused the sinful people of the town to completely change their lives and become devout worshippers of Allah Ta‘ala. We too should try and create environments of righteousness and piety by always remaining in the obedience of Allah Ta‘ala.

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