Summary of Letter:

 Bismihi Ta’ala

Respected Mufti Saheb

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuh

My heart has become very hard. It just would not melt with the rememberance or the fear of Allah Ta`ala. Please advise as to how I should soften my heart.

Furthermore, with the grace of Allah Ta`ala and through the barkat (blessing) of being linked to yourself, I have been blessed with the tawfeeq (ability) of quickly repenting from my sins. The problem is that to remain steadfast on tauba (and not repeat the sin) is among the most difficult things for me. Please help me to overcome these maladies.

Summary of Reply:

 Bismihi Ta’ala

Respected Brother / Sister

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuh

I was greatly pleased to hear that whatever you were given for Taraweeh was returned. May Allah Ta`ala make you independent of such wealth.

It is necessary to always keep in mind the reality of tauba. The reality of tauba is that one should sincerely regret having committed the sin, as well as firmly resolve to refrain from the sin. The resolve should be such that even if you are thrown into the fire, you will not commit that sin again. One should also constantly make dua to Allah Ta`ala to grant one istiqamat (steadfastness) on one’s tauba. If any rights (of people) have not been discharged, make an effort to fulfil the same. In this way one will Insha-Allah be blessed with istiqamat.