Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) once mentioned an incident of a person who purchased some land from another. The purchaser found an earthenware utensil filled with gold buried in the ground. Hence he went to the seller and told him: “Take your gold, for I have purchased from you only the land and not the gold.” The former owner replied: “Well! I have sold you the land together with whatever is in it.”

Hence both the buyer and seller presented their case to a third person in order to resolve their dispute. He asked them: “Do you have any children?” One of them replied: “I have a son.” The other replied: “I have a daughter.” The one presiding over their case then said: “Get the boy married to the girl. Spend some of this wealth in seeing to their needs and give the rest in charity.” (Saheeh Bukhari #3472)

Lesson: The end result of having a big heart is always sweet. In this incident due to the big-heartedness of both parties, Allah Ta’ala blessed them in a wonderful manner and both benefitted.