Angels of mercy do not enter a house that contains pictures of animate objects. Nowadays, children’s bedding, clothing, curtaining, stationery and toys are all covered with animals, actors, cartoons and characters. The human mind is such that by us continuously gazing at these pictures, an impression is left in our minds. These impressions over a period of time become our thoughts, words and actions.
At times we are shocked at our child’s behavior, not realizing that our child is simply imitating a cartoon character who we have introduced the child to. Hours in front of the forbidden television screen adds fuel to the child’s love for cartoon characters and inculcates shameless and disrespectful behaviour in him/her. We teach our children not to speak to strangers, but we allow a host of strangers to keep our children entertained for hours on end in the form of the forbidden television screen. Thus they learn what the strangers tell them and act accordingly.