Imagine a newly wed couple who are together for the first time. The husband spends the entire night praising his wife and expressing words of love to her. However the very next morning he is gone fishing or golfing with his friends, leaving his wife all alone. This makes one wonder what the entire nights praises and “I love you” were all about? Did it come from the heart or was it mere lip service?
Likewise when proceeding to Makkah Mukarramah we shout out “lab-baik”, and out of love we announce “We are present O Allah Ta’ala.” But then we slip out to Jeddah for some sight seeing, or for every one tawaaf we make of the Ka`bah, we end up making ten tawaafs of the shopping malls. Let not our “lab-baik” be an empty slogan of love. Let it be followed by sincere actions and dedication.