When it comes to preparing and enjoying a special dish of food, firstly we need to make the arrangement of getting all the ingredients. Thereafter we need to know how to put the ingredients together and prepare the dish. Lastly, we simply serve the meal and enjoy it. In the same way when it comes to preparing and enjoying our special journey of haj, firstly we need to make the arrangement of our flight and accommodation, which everyone does with great care and precision. Thereafter we need to learn the method and laws pertaining to haj. However, only some take an interest in doing so completely. This will enable one to physically fulfill the rites of haj. The most crucial factor however is to condition the heart and mind so that one spends one’s time according to the spirit of haj and imbibes the message of haj. A haj performed with the spirit of haj will create a revolution in one’s life. One’s life after haj will be much better than the life before haj.