There is no achievement in speaking of the seen, since we all can see it. Rather it is an achievement to speak of the unseen. Today we speak so much of the visible things we see around us that the conviction of these things has entered our hearts. We may have not seen an atom bomb, but we have heard, read and spoken so much about it that its conviction has entered our hearts, to the extent that it’s mere mention strikes fear in us. Thus we need to speak so much of Allah Ta‘ala and Nabi (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) that the love of Allah Ta‘ala and Nabi (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) fills our hearts. We need to speak so much of the unseen that the unseen becomes like the seen, and its conviction enters our hearts. On the other hand we need to negate all that we see to such an extent that the conviction of the things we see around us leaves our heart.