
Discourse 15 – Soul Searching and Following the Sunnat

Discourse 16 – The Effect of Zikr

Discourse 17 – The Importance of Tableegh

Discourse 18 – The Benefits of Tableegh

Discourse 19 – Bid’ah (Innovations in Deen)

Discourse 20 – Consideration for people’s positions

Discourse 21 – Lessons Gained from the Incidents of Our Akaabir

Discourse 22 – Anecdotes of the Islaah and Training of our Akaabir

Discourse 23 – The Reality of Nisbat (link with Allah Ta‘ala)

Discourse 24 – Expressing gratitude for the favours of Allah Ta‘ala

Discourse 25 – Gaining proximity to Allah Ta‘ala is in following the lifestyle of Nabi (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam)

Discourse 26 – Upbringing of Children – The Parents’ Duty

Discourse 27 – The Status of Knowledge

Discourse 28 – Forgiveness is in Following the Sunnat